Some Moms may wonder why body image is such an important topic for our girls.
And in short, the answer is this:
Her negative thoughts about her body have the power to make your daughter HIDE.
Hide from auditioning for that play.
Or trying out for the swim, volleyball, or debate teams.
Or going to that party.
Or even just raising her hand in class.
Because low body image often wants her to hide away from her peers, and even from her big goals.
To be invisible.
To not draw attention to herself in certain areas of her life.
Because if she believes that her body is not good enough… not acceptable enough.
That people will laugh, judge, or make comments about her.
All those thoughts have the power to keep her small.
Very small.
Putting up invisible fences in her mind of what she CAN and CAN’T do.
What’s acceptable and what’s not.
So at Courageous Girls Club, we help Moms and girls
that she may have put up around herself, and instead open up her path to do what she really wants to do to begin with:
To run for class President.
Go to that summer camp.
Or join a new group of friends.
Because all her dreams run on thoughts that give her ENERGY, MOMENTUM and POWER.
And the skills to create them are available to her.
Right here.